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Joint ITE International and Mid-Colonial
District Annual Meeting and Exhibition

July 21-24, 2024

Business Meeting
ITE Transportation Educators Workshop
Sponsored by 

Friday, July 19 and Saturday, July 20
Rooms 304-306



Friday, July 19

6:00–8:00 p.m.

  • Evening Reception 

Saturday, July 20

8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

  • Breakfast

  • Morning Session

    • Introduction and Overview

    • Icebreaker - Transportation Bingo

    • Evolution of the Transportation Profession - Transportation Equity; Safe Systems; Connected/Automated Vehicles; Mobility as a Service

    • Downstream Changes to Transportation Education - The Introductory Course; Alignment between Industry and Academia

  • Lunch

  • Afternoon Session

    • (Mis)Use of Artificial Intelligence - Contrasts between Practice and Pedagogy

    • The Learner and Learning Experience - Active Learning and Selective Use of In-Person/Hybrid/Online Delivery; Alternatives for Grading and Evaluation

    • Best Instructional Practices - Short Demonstrations and Highlights from Workshop Participants

    • Concluding Remarks and Post-Survey/Evaluation


At the conclusion of this workshop, participants should:

  • Be able to implement in-person, hybrid, and fully online instruction in a manner that is appropriate for specific audiences and contexts.

  • Understand differences in the transportation curriculum and its delivery across different types of institutions.

  • Better understand how artificial intelligence will impact the manner in which we deliver transportation instruction.

  • Have an expanded network of peers and colleagues to provide insights and resources to improve our efficacy of instruction.



  • Workshop Only: $200 (early bird pricing; $250 after June 7)

  • Workshop + ITE Full Registration: $850 (early bird pricing; $950 after June 7)

The ITE of the Tiger Challenge 3 (003).jpg

ITE Younger Member Challenge

April 1‒June 30, 2024

Join in the excitement leading up to #ITEPhilly2024 with ITE’s Younger Members. Once again, the ITE Younger Member Committee has created a series of activities that provide points. Open to all ITE members, challenge your fellow younger members and others in ITE to complete activities to earn points. The winners will be announced in the special issues of Spotlite and you can track the leaderboard via the #ITEPhilly2024 website. Which ITE District and/or Section will come out on top?


Interested in learning more? Join us for a virtual Happy Hour to kick-off the challenge on April 23, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. ET. RSVP using the link below!

Click here to view of a list of activities

Upcoming Virtual Challenge Events

  • Welcome/Kickoff Event Happy Hour
    Tuesday, April 23, 7:00 p.m. ET

  • Lunch Event/Coffee Break
    Wednesday, May 22, 1:30 p.m. ET

  • Challenge Happy Hour
    Thursday, June 6, 6:30 p.m. ET

  • Challenge Wrap Up Happy Hour
    Thursday, August 8, 7:00 p.m. ET

Transportation Research Board
Traffic Signal Systems Committee

Wednesday, July 24 and Thursday, July 25

Wednesday, July 24
Session 1 (1:30–2:30 p.m.)
ATSPM - Integrating with Agency Workflows

How do agencies nationwide use Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures as part of their traffic signal operations? This session will have a panel discussion about the state of ATSPM and how ATSPMs are becoming part of an agency’s workflow.


Justin Effinger, P.E., PTOE, Traffic Engineering & Advanced Mobility Supervisor, Mead & Hunt, Franklin, WI


  • Jamie Mackey, P.E., PTOE, Transportation Operations Specialist, Federal Highway Administration, Saint Paul, MN

  • Matthew Bonacci, P.E., PTOE, Signal and Arterial Systems Program Manager, Virginia Department of Transportation, Richmond, VA

  • Joel Quigley, Senior Sales Engineer, Miovision, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

  • Chris Day, P.E., Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

  • Mark Taylor, P.E., PTOE, Traffic Signal Operations Engineer, Utah Department of Transportation, Salt Lake City, UT

Session 2 (2:45–3:45 p.m.)
Emerging Connected Vehicle Applications

What’s the latest on connected vehicle applications for traffic signal systems? Is emerging data from connected vehicles more than cool? Learn about real-world applications and what’s new.



Greg Barlow, Software Architect, Miovision, Pittsburgh, PA


  • Whitney Nottage, P.E., PTOE, Chief Operations Officer, Q-Free America, Inc., Smyra, GA

  • Srinivasa Sunkari, Senior Research Engineer, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station, TX

Session 3 (3:45–5:30 p.m.)
City of Brotherly Love Traffic Signals Walking Tour

A show and tell session with staff from the City of Brotherly Love. The session will begin with City of Philadelphia staff highlighting recent projects and will continue with a guided tour of traffic signal infrastructure in Philadelphia. The tour will start with a short train ride to Spring Garden Street, followed by a walking tour of a variety of traffic signal infrastructure. Optional social meetup afterward at Yards Brewing.



Jay Jackson, P.E., Transit Signal Priority Manager, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Boston, MA


  • Pat Callahan, P.E., Assistant Chief Traffic Engineer, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA

  • Claire Adler, Complete Streets Transit Project Coordinator, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA

Tour Information:

  • We’ll take the Market-Frankford train a couple stops east to Spring Garden Station. SEPTA has contactless payment, so attendees can swipe a credit card or phone payment option (i.e., Apple Pay) at the turnstile. Train headways around 4:30 p.m. are every 6 minutes.

  • Access a variety of signal controllers

  • Get to see a different part of the city

  • Post-tour social meet-up at Yards Brewing

Thursday, July 25


8:30–9:00 a.m.
ACP25 Subcommittee Meeting: Signal Timing

Chaired by:           Wuping Xin, P.E., Chief Technology Officer, Caliper Corporation, Newton, MA

Burak Cesme, Senior Engineering Associate, Kittelson and Associates, Washington, DC

9:00–9:30 a.m.
ACP25 Subcommittee Meeting: Simulation

Chaired by:         Taylor Li, P.E., Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX
                             Yiheng Feng, Assistant Professor, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


9:45–10:15 a.m.
ACP25 Subcommittee Meeting: Asset / System Management

Chaired by:         Kevin Balke, P.E., Manager, KNB Engineering, LLC, Bryan, TX

10:15–10:45 a.m.
ACP25 Subcommittee Meeting: Technology and Standards

Chaired by:         Tom Stiles, P.E., PTOE, Vice President Traffic Systems Engineering, SWARCO McCain,                                           Seattle, WA

11:00–11:30 a.m.
ACP25 Subcommittee Meeting: Education

Chaired by:         Jay Grossman, P.E., Assistant Professor, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
                             Kevin Chang, P.E., Director and Associate Professor, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

11:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
ACP25 Subcommittee Meeting: Multimodal

Chaired by:         Sirisha Kothuri, Senior Research Associate, Portland State University, Portland, OR

1:00–3:00 p.m.
ACP25 Traffic Signal Systems Committee Business Meeting

Chair:                  Ed Smaglik, P.E., Professor,  Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
Secretary:           Kevin Lee, P.E., PTOE, Principal, Illumine Transportation, Cincinnati, OH

Policies for Exhibitors and Sponsors

Third-Party Hotel Room Blocks. ITE does not contract with a third-party vendor to offer room reservations. Exhibitors receiving telephone call or other communication about making a room reservation at the Philadelphia Marriott should disregard it. Exhibitors are responsible for making their own reservations, using the links provided in the Accommodations section.

ITE Does Not Sell Attendee Lists. ITE does not sell either its member or attendee list. Any outreach offering this information should be disregarded.

No Suitcasing Policy. Any non-exhibiting registrant who is observing soliciting business in session rooms, public spaces, the aisles of the exhibition hall, or in another exhibitor's booth will be asked to leave immediately.​​

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